Rabu, 19 November 2014

Pengertian Hijab

Yang dimaksud dengan Hijab disini adalah penghalang seseorang dalam proses mencari dan memahami serta menangkap makna kemurnian dan kebenaran agama secara lahir dan bathin dalam tujuan mendekatkan diri sedekat-dekatnya pada Allah. Untuk lebih jelas tentang makna dan hakekat dari hijab, dibawah ini akan diuraikan secara singkat.

Hijab dapat dikategorikan menjadi dua macam, yaitu: hijab lahir dan hijab bathin. Hijab lahir adalah penghalang seseorang dalam memahami aspek-aspek ajaran lahir dari agama. Sedangkan hijab bathin adalah penghalang dalam memahami aspek-aspek bathin (qalbu) dari agama. Seseorang yang masih terhijab, maka ia tidak akan mengerti tentang hakekat dari sendi-sendi ajaran agama yang dianut. Bila seseorang masih diliputi hijab dan berpura-pura mengerti tentang hakekat sendi-sendi agama, maka orang itu dikatakan ‘melihat tetapi buta’. Bila ia bertindak atas dasar agama, maka tindakannya dianggap suatu kekeliruan. Hanya orang yang terbuka hijabnya yang sangat berhati-hati dalam menafisrkan dan menterjemahkan ajaran-ajaran agama sehingga ia dapat berlindung dari keinginan untuk menjualkan agama.

Karena hijab terbagi dua macam, maka pembuka hijab pun dapat digolongkan menjadi dua cara pula:

a. Membuka Hijab Lahir

Untuk membuka hijab lahir (membuka pemahaman secara sempurna tentang dimensi lahir dari ajaran agama), caranya adalah dengan mempelajari dan mengamalkan seluk beluk semua perintah Allah yang dituangkan dalam rukun Islam. Jika seseorang telah mampu menjalan semua rukun Islam (dapat bersyahadat, sholat, puasa, zakat dan naik haji jika mampu), maka secara lahiriyah dapat dikatakan telah membuka hijab lahir. Maksudnya, secara lahir ia telah diakui sebagai pemeluk agama Islam yang baik. Sebagai tahap awal dalam memahami ajaran Islam, seseorang harus membuka terlebih dahulu hijab lahir. Sebab terbukanya hijab lahir ( id.clozette.com | Tutortial Hijab Online Terlengkap , Artikel, Video
 ) akan mempercepat proses untuk membuka hijab bathin. Ada syarat-syarat khusus yang membantu seseorang membuka hijab lahir, yaitu tidak melanggar larangan Allah, baik yang berkaitan dengan urusan muamalah, maupun urusan pribadi.

b. Membuka Hijab Bathin

Membuka hijab bathin disamping melakukan semua cara alam membuka hijab lahir, juga disertai dengan cara-cara lain. Secara garis besar, cara-cara itu dapat dilakukan dengan banyak membaca Al-Qur’an, dzikir, do’a dan amal-amal sholeh. Bacaan Al-Qur’an dapat dijadikan alat untuk membuka hijab bathin, begitu pula dengan dzikir. Berlainan dengan do’a-do’a. Do’a-do’a yang berkaitan dengan urusan duniawi kurang tepat digunakan. Do’a yang cocok dan tepat adalah do’a-do’a yang berkaitan dengan kebahagiaan akhirat. Adapun perbuatan amal sholeh, ini hanyalah sebagai suatu kekuatan pendorong untuk memperkuat niat agar tidak putus asa dalam proses membuka hijab.

Kamis, 13 November 2014

Wedding Proposal Guide

Every Christmas and Valentine’s Day, women across the nation are gifted with a sparkling diamond and a heart-felt promise on bended knee. It’s a moment you’ll never forget even if everything doesn’t go according to plan.

Some of the best stories involve engagement mishaps. Men spend hours planning the perfect surprise and something inevitably gets in the way. It’s moments like these that we’re able to look back and laugh.

In order to avoid some obvious mishaps, keep a few things in mind. The husband-to-be has to show just how much he knows the woman of his dreams. For instance:

  • If she doesn’t like being center stage then a wedding proposal in the middle of a sports event isn’t a good idea.
  • When you pick a location it should have some meaning to both of you.
  • Some women require their man to get down on their knee and other women could care less. Know how traditional she is when it comes to big events. She might prefer a more modern, fun wedding proposal.
  • Some women are very particular when it comes to jewelry and want to pick out their engagement ring.
  • Some women love all jewelry and want to see what their man comes up with. There are so many options. If she’s asking you to choose, ask some questions first. Ring shopping can be a bit daunting if you don’t know what you’re looking for. It helps to know the cut, if she wants platinum, white gold or gold or if she even wants a diamond.
  • It makes a world of difference that the guy knows that she’s ready to say yes. The worst engagement is a perfect wedding proposal with an awkward silence followed by the dreaded words, “We have to talk.”
  • The most important part of the proposal is the words. This is the moment a guy gets to pour out his heart not conduct a business transaction. Think about what you’re going to say so you won’t get so nervous.

My husband conspired with my family and organized the perfect proposal. There was only one problem with the plan. He and I had spent months searching for the perfect ring. I don’t wear jewelry so the idea of wearing one item for the rest of my life was very intimidating. I couldn’t find a setting I loved or a stone within our budget. We spent months searching and in the end I had narrowed it down to a few choices that I was happy to settle with.

My husband bought one of the rings and decided to keep me off the scent that he was about to propose. So, he decided to take me ring shopping that day. We had done this so many times and he expected the same response I always had – to walk around, consider the options, but never settle on anything and leave. Instead, I walked in and found the perfect setting, a hybrid diamond that sparkled beautifully and was in the budget. I was ecstatic! My husband didn’t know what to do because he had the ring in his pocket and it wasn’t the one I had just chosen. Everyone in my family knew that he was going to propose that day so they’re exchanging glances as I’m oohing and ahhing over my new find. My husband put down a deposit to hold the new ring and hurried me out of the store before I found anything else.

Thankfully, he did rally and later on that day he proposed. He led me to a secluded part of the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO where we could be alone. He wrote a poem talking about the many changes in his life that had brought him to this moment and how his life had changed after meeting me. He got down on one knee and surprised me with a ring. I was shocked. I am a woman of many words, but all I could manage in that moment was, “Uh huh.”

My siblings and their spouses were waiting when we returned to the group to celebrate with us. It was the perfect day of laughter, tears and embarrassment. I wouldn’t trade it for the world! No, it didn’t go as planned but it makes us both look back and smile. It couldn’t have been more perfect!

My husband’s tip to all of the men out there: don’t go ring shopping the day you’re going to propose. Trying to keep her off the scent can backfire.

There are so many wonderful creative weddding proposal. Just make sure that if it’s going to involve hiding the ring in food that you don’t lose the piece meant for her or make it easy for her to accidentally try to eat it. Losing the ring or choking on it isn’t romantic.

Many men go over the top with wedding proposal thinking that bigger is better. For me, I’m all about the sentiment behind it. You don’t have to take me on a carriage ride or to a deserted island. Just tell me what’s really in your heart and make me smile. I want to know that our life together isn’t just going to be about the theatrics. I want to know that we’re going to be in it together to laugh at ourselves and hold each other tight.

Heart Beach Words

Over the next couple of weeks we’re going to talk about ways to save money on all of the wedding details and still have a beautiful, special day. But this post is just about the engagement. Live in the moment! Show off your ring and enjoy the smile that won’t leave your face. You’re about to get married. There’s nothing more special than that!